Why You Should Join the Guild

by Robin Tidwell

Robin is the author of the dystopian novels REDUCED, REUSED, and RECYCLED, and lives in the middle of the woods with her husband, Dennis. She has a rather eclectic educational background, and finally finished her B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies. She has held a plethora of jobs, appointments, and volunteer positions, and tries very hard to make it through one week at a time without a crisis. Robin is available to speak to any size group. Topics include writing, editing, publishing, marketing, bookselling, promotion, homesteading, and survivalism.

June 22, 2019

This is your next step after becoming a published author or journalist—joining the state-wide organization of professional authors and journalists. Probably most of our members join one of our chapters first—open to anyone who has an interest in writing—and learn, write, critique, enter contests, network, attend open mic events and others too. Some of our members hear of us first and join, and perhaps later become involved in their local chapters.

Many of those chapters are very large and very active, so why do you need the Guild?

The big reason is this: it’s your next step, as a professional, published author. The Guild began in 1915, and being accepted to membership was a very big deal—and it still is. It says you’ve arrived, that a publisher believed in your work, that you have a career doing what you love.

Oh, there are other reasons:

We have a large, curated list of resources for writers.

We provide opportunities to sell your books, both online and in person at events.

We offer membership to a discount site for hotels, office supplies, restaurants, etc.

We promote your events and books on social media and our website.

We hold members only writing contests.

You can add blog posts to our website, which can link to your own site.

You can join our speakers’ bureau, to help groups find you for speaking events and conferences.

There are a lot more reasons, and we’re adding to them all the time—we hope to be able to offer you a free page on our website, as well as an attorney for contract checking and negotiation, at some point in the near future.

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