The Missouri Writers’ Guild is Proud to Announce

The Results of The 2024 Annual Writers Contest

The Walter Williams Award is Sponsored by The Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives and is Named in honor of the founder of the Missouri Writers’ Guild.

First place, Marilyn Hope Lake for, Our Mothers’ Ghosts, and other stories.

Second Place, Terry Allen for Rubber Time.

The “Show Me” Your Best Award is Sponsored by Ozark Studies Institute. This award is for a work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry published in book form.

First Place goes to Larry Wood for, The Ozarks Spook Light, History, Legend, and Speculation

Second Runner up, Tim Scherrer for, Half the Town Burned, The Great Wooldridge Fire of 2022.

The Best Fiction Novel is Sponsored by Warren Martin, Little Elephant Publishing

First place goes to, Theresa Hupp for, When Heart Shall Fail.

Second place goes to, Diane How for, Spark to Flame

Third place goes to, Kate Kort and Brick Mantel Books for, Tempered

Best Nonfiction Book: Sponsored by Billie Holladay Skelley. The Howard Kelly Holladay Memorial Award for the Best Nonfiction Book.

First place goes to, Susan Croce Kelly for, Newspaperwoman of the Ozarks, The Life and Times of Lucile Morris Upton.

Second place goes to, Bill Harrison and Open Books Press, for, Making the Low Notes, A Life in Music.

Third place goes to, Jessica Marie Baumgartner, for, The Magic of Trees.

Honorable mention, Lonnie Whitaker, for, The Way We Were, Personal Reflections on Life in the Ozarks.

Best Short Story,  Sponsored by Larry Wood.

First place goes to, Robert Weismiller, for, The Hamilton Lake Incident.

Second place goes to, Billie Holladay Skelley, for, Edinburgh Manor.

Third place goes to, Dan B. Fierce, for, Bedside Regret.

Best Poem, Sponsored by St. Louis Publisher’s Association:  

First place goes to, Marilyn Hope Lak,e for, The Swim.

Second place goes to, Billie Holladay Skelley, for, “Mountain Lovers” in A World of Writing.

Third place goes to, Terry Allen, for, The Celebration of Nonsense.

Best Children’s Picture Book,  Sponsored by The Missouri Association of School Librarians

First place goes to, Amy Houts. God’s Earth Is Something to Fight For.

Second place goes to, Katie Lerwick and Pen & Publish. Where Did The Turtles Go?

Third place goes to, Lonnie Whitaker.   Mulligan and the All-Paws Golf Tournament.

Best Children’s Work. This award is for Children’s Books, fiction or nonfiction for children ages up to twelve.

Billie Holladay Skelley for, Bass Reeves, Legendary Lawman of the Wild West.

Best Magazine Article, Sponsored by Missouri Life Magazine.

First place,  Larry Wood, for, Kate Beattie, A Shrewd and Daring Rebel Agent.

Second place goes to, Gerald Dlubala,  for, Holladay Distillery, Real Missouri Bourbon With Real

Historical Origins.

Third place goes to, Billie Holladay Skelley,  for, The Magic of the Ozarks: Poppets and Spite Dolls.

Honorable mention, Diana West for Salt & Stars.

Best Newspaper Article or Column, Sponsored by Missouri Press Association.

First place goes to, Lonnie Whitaker, for, Valedictorian, Mizzou Golden Girl, And Professor.

Second place goes to, Billie Holladay Skelley, for, From Lightning Bugs to Enlightenment.

Third place goes to Marilyn Smith for, Cousins and Toast.

Congratulations to all our award recipients.


About the Missouri Writers Guild

 Founded in 1915, the Missouri Writers’ Guild seeks to educate and encourage writers in their interest and appreciation of the writing craft, to foster and recognize significant additions to the written language, and to support and promote all genres of the literary arts.

The Missouri Writers’ Guild is the statewide organization for professional writers in all genres. Members of the Missouri Writers’ Guild and its chapters provide workshops, networking opportunities, market information, contests, and many other activities to assist writers in developing their careers.

The Guild holds an annual writing contest to honor the year’s finest writing by its members, chapter members, and conference attendees. Over the years, this popular contest has greatly expanded with cash prizes and certificates awarded in each category.

The annual writing conference gives writers the opportunity to hear outstanding speakers and to receive information on marketing, research, and writing techniques.

The Guild has many chapters throughout the state, providing regular opportunities to network with other writers, listen to presentations by successful writers, and learn more about the craft of writing. Look here to find info on other writing groups in Missouri, too.

We invite you to join us and get inspired to write! We accept members who live anywhere in the world. Questions? Contact our President at

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