Special Announcement: Missouri Writer’s Guild President’s writing contest winners

July 5, 2022

I am pleased to announce the winners and finalists of the 2022 Missouri Writer’s Guild President’s writing contest.
Congratulations to all our winners and finalist.
I would also like to thank all our sponsors who support the contest every year and make this event possible.

Walter Williams Award:
Sponsored by The Association of MO Electric Cooperatives
Chad Stebbins, Joplin’s Connor Hotel

Show Me Your Best:

Sponsored by Ozark Studies Institute
1)      Carolyn Brewer, Beneath Missouri Skies, Pat Matheny in Kansas City ’64-72
2)      Larry Wood, Lynchings, Murder & Nefarious Deeds
3)      Luge Hardman, Small Town Mayor, Political Adventures in Ozarks
Best Magazine Article:
Sponsored by Missouri Life Magazine

1. Larry Wood, The Missouri Compromise

2. Gerald Dlubala, Sustainability in Craft Brewing

3. Billie Holladay Skelley, At the Mercy of a Killer

Best Newspaper Article:
Sponsored by Missouri Press Association

1. Marilyn Smith, Suspension Bridges

2. Lonnie Whitaker, Remembering a Special Veteran

Best Short Story:
Sponsored by Larry Wood

1. BH Skelley, The Sage Grouse and the Bandit Queen

2. Dan Fierce, Abandoned Bikes

Best Fiction:
Sponsored by Warren Martin, Little Elephant Publishing, President of Mo Writer’s Guild

1. Deborah Raney, Bridges

2. JJ Falco, A Worthy Disciple

3. Larry Lovan, We Went to Woodstock

Honorable Mention, Jeanne Szarwinski, Ghost of Hillbilly Heaven
Best Poem
Sponsored by St. Louis Publisher’s Association
1) Marilyn Smith, Frozen Pipes
2) BH Skelley, Make your Time Count
3) Diane M How, The Last One Standing

Best Children’s Book
Sponsored by The Missouri Association of School Librarians
1) BH Skelley, Hypatia-Ancient Alexandria’s Female Scholar
2) Lindsey Hobson, Stop!

Howard Kelly Holladay Memorial Award for Best Nonfiction Book, Sponsored by Billie Holladay Skelley
No entries this year

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  1. Jessica Marie Baumgartner

    Hmmm it looks like you guys missed my Nonfiction book submission at the very least. Congrats to the winners, but it sucks that I sent in 4 subs and at least 1 wasn’t seen at all.

  2. DanBFierce

    Second place? Woot! Thank you so much!

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