
Membership Requirements

There shall be five classes of members in the Guild:
Full, Associate, Student, Business, and Honorary (Lifetime).

MWG Member Benefits:

Listing on speakers’ bureau—full members only

Opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors—full members only

Books listed in our bookstore

Access to writers’ resources

Discount site membership for writing supplies and more

Access to forums for info and Q&A

Discount on conference registration fees

And more!

Full member: A full member is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, has all voting rights, may have a listing on the Speakers’ Bureau, and is eligible to participate in marketing events such as the Missouri Library Conference or Kansas City Literature Festival).

Membership requirements for this level are: Anyone who has met at least one of the following requirements is eligible to apply for full membership in the Guild (all membership applications are reviewed and decided upon by a membership committee):
(1) Authorship or co-authorship of a published book through a non-subsidy publisher, either in print or Epublication or via self- publishing wherein the author does not pay a third party to publish the book and has earned at least $1500.00 in one calendar year. Written proof may be requested.
(2) Sale of three substantive articles, stories, poems, or comparable materials in one or more newspapers, magazines, anthologies, or trade publications in print or electronic formats.
(3) Sale of one serial or novelette to a periodical;
(4) Sale of one play to a producer, whether on royalty or fee basis;
(5) Sale of one screenplay, or radio or television script.
(6) Editor or publisher of commercial books, magazines, newspapers, or literary publication, which does not accept fees from its authors.

[Full Members pay $40]

Associate member: An MWG associate member cannot vote on MWG business issues and may not serve as one of the titled Board positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, or Publicity Chair. Associate members may serve as members-at-large on the Board of Directors.

Membership requirements for this level are one publication in a newsletter, pamphlet, magazine, newspaper, anthology, or on a Web site, paid in either cash or copies. Authorship or co-authorship of a published book through a subsidy publisher, either in print or E-publication, wherein the author pays a third party to publish the book.

[Associate Members pay $45]

Student member: An MWG student member receives all benefits listed above except student members but may not vote on MWG business issues and may not serve as any position on the Board of Directors.

Membership requirements for this level are full-time or part-time college students who have an interest in the writing profession.

[Student Members pay $25]

Business Member: Certain businesses or professionals in the book industry may qualify for business membership in the MWG. Business members may not serve on the Board of Directors and may not vote, but will have access to the Members Only section and will be afforded opportunities for sponsorships, premier website listings, social media and other promotion, and discounts on exhibitor/vendor fees at MWG events.

[Annual dues are $75]

Honorary (Lifetime) member: An MWG honorary (lifetime) member is an MWG member who has been honored by the Board of Directors as a person who has donated time and talent to the MWG for many years. They have the same benefits as full time members. There are no dues for honorary or lifetime members and the status does not expire.


Please click the button at right to join the MWG.