2022 President’s Contest

February 28, 2022

You must be a member of the Guild to enter any category

MWG Writing Contest Categories for Year 2022

Walter Williams Award, Sponsored by The Association of MO Electric Cooperatives: Named in honor of the founder of the MWG. This should be a major work, whether in book form or in some other form of publication that is worthy of special recognition because of the research or high literary quality involved in its creation. This award is open to any type of publication or production, including fiction, nonfiction, scripts, poetry (as in a poetry collection in a book), books, published in the calendar year (2021). If in book form, it must be traditionally published (no self-published books), whereby the author is paid by the publisher. The book must contain an ISBN number.

“Show Me” Your Best Award, Sponsored by Ozark Studies Institute This award is for a work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry published in book form. The book must have Missouri incorporated into it, showing the appreciation for the people, land, and culture of the state. This book may either be traditionally published or self-published and must contain an ISBN number.

Howard Kelly Holladay Memorial Award for Best Nonfiction Book, sponsored by Billie Holladay Skelley: The book must be published and contain an ISBN number, examples to include:

  • Biography / Autobiography / Memoirs.
  • Academic books/
  • Guides / Manuals / Handbooks / Technical books.
  • Travelogues / Travel Literature.

Best Magazine Article, Sponsored by Missouri Life Magazine: This award is for the best magazine article published.

Best Newspaper Article/Column Sponsored by Missouri Press Association: This award is for the best newspaper article, or the best newspaper column published.

Best Short Story, Sponsored by Larry Wood: May be published in a Magazine, newspaper, book, or anthology.

Best Poem, Sponsored by St. Louis Publisher’s AssociationMay be published in a magazine, newspaper, book, or anthology.

Best Children’s Book, Sponsored by The Missouri Association of School Librarians:  This award is for Children’s Books (fiction or nonfiction for children aged 0-12), which are published and have an ISBN number.

Best Fiction Novel, Sponsored by Warren Martin, MBA, PhD President of Mo Writers Guild: Consider multiple genres, the boundaries of each genre serve as models on which you, the author can craft your respective stories. No erotica submissions.

(Note: The president reserves the right to consolidate or cancel categories receiving fewer than seven unique entries.)

 Rules and Guidelines

  1. The President’s Contest categories are open to any Guild member.
  2. All works must have been published, presented, or performed in the 2021 calendar
  3. The entry fee for all categories is $15. This fee covers ALL entries a writer may choose to submit, in any number of categories.
  4. Entries must have received a royalty or payment for the writing, except for Best Story and Best Poem.


  • Electronic entries (book, newspaper, or magazine) may be entered in any appropriate category.
  • Multiple categories may be entered.
  • Only one submission per category is allowed.
  • May not submit the same work in more than one category.
  1. All books must have an ISBN.

 Submission Procedures for President’s Contests

Inferior quality submissions will be disqualified. Therefore, entries that are tattered, smeared, difficult to read, poor quality photocopy, or otherwise unprofessional looking may be disqualified.

  1. Books (Walter Williams and Show Me):
    Send one copy of print book. Send .pdf or Mobil file of eBook. Books will not be returned, but donated to libraries, schools, or Missouri Writers Guild chapters. See #8 below for mailing addresses.
  2. Newspaper article or column, magazine article, poem, short story:
    Send one copy of each entry, as a valid link or .pdf ONLY, to our Publicity Director Angela Yuriko Smith at:
  3. Materials submitted for the contest will not be returned.
  4. With each physical entry, (for example, Walter Williams, Best Poem or Best Short Story) submit a cover sheet. Please include the following:
    The writer’s name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, the title of the submission, contest category, and the publisher’s name and date of publication.
  5. Entry fee:
    Entry fees may be paid through PayPal, using our PayPal recipient address:
  6. Disqualification: Entries that do not follow the guidelines will be disqualified and the entry fee will not be returned. Any entries not meeting the requirements of these rules may be disqualified at the discretion of the contest coordinator.
  7. Entry period/deadline: Submissions for the President’s Contests must be postmarked between April 1, 2022, and midnight May 15, 2022.The Guild is not responsible for any lost or misdirected mail or mail without sufficient postage.
  8. Mail physical book entries to the following address:
    Missouri Writers Guild, PO Box 410435, Creve Coeur, MO 63141. Email all other entries to angelayurikosmith@gmail.com.
  9. For questions, contact Angela at the above email, or our Vice President, Amanda Kassner at akassner1079@hotmail.com.

Names of contest winners, sponsors, and judges will be announced at MoWritersCon and on the Missouri Writers’ Guild website, July 9, 2022. All prizes will be paid via check.


 Walter Williams Awards: First place receives $100 and a certificate, second place receives $50 and a certificate, third place receives $25 and a certificate. Honorable mentions may be named at the discretion of the judges.

 “Show Me” Your Best Awards: First place receives $50 and a certificate, second place receives $25 and a certificate, third place receives $15 and a certificate. Honorable mentions may be named at the discretion of the judges.

Fiction and Non-Fiction Awards: First place, 50.00, second place 25.00 and third place 15.00 along with certificates:

Other Category Awards:

First place receives $30 and a certificate, second place receives $20 and a certificate, third place receives $15 and a certificate.

Honorable mentions may be named at the discretion of the judges.

In accordance with Article X, section 3 of the MWG bylaws: Awards may be given at the judges’ discretion. If there are fewer than seven entries in any category, except for the Walter Williams Award, no prizes will be given in that category, unless in the judges’ opinion the work submitted is of such quality as to merit recognition. Similarly, the Walter Williams Award may be withheld if, in the opinion of the judges, no material of sufficient literary merit is submitted.

Awards will be announced at MoWritersCon and on the Missouri Writers Guild Website – July 9, 2022.


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