Missouri Writers’ Guild is proud to announce the winners of the annual
2017 MWG President’s Contest for works published in 2016.
Many thanks to the sponsors and volunteers who help put this together each year.
And to the judges for their many hours of reading and thoughtful analysis of the works submitted.
#1 Walter Williams Major Work Award
Named in honor of the founder of the Missouri Writers’ Guild. This should be a major work, whether in book form or in some other form of publication, that is worthy of special recognition because of research or the high literary quality involved in its creation.
The award is open to any type of publication or production including fiction, non-fiction, scripts, poetry (poetry collection in book form), books, and anthologies. Self-published books are not allowed in this category.
1st Place: Paul W. Bass
The History of Fort Leonard Wood
2nd Place: Larry Wood
Bushwhacker Belles: The Sisters, Wives, and Girlfriends of the Missouri Guerrillas
3rd Place: Carolyn Mulford
Thunder Beneath My Feet
Honorable Mention: Mary-Lane Kamberg
#2 “Show Me” Your Best Award
This is an award for a work published in book form; fiction, poetry, or non-fiction. The book must have Missouri incorporated into it, showing the appreciation for the people, land, and culture of the state.
1st Place: Jenness Clark
Born by the River
2nd Place: Marilyn K. Smith
Ozarks Recipes: Momma’s, Mine, and Others & Maybe a Tale or Two
3rd Place: Donna Ross (aka Fedora Amis)
Mayhem at Buffalo Bill’s Wild West
#3 Juvenile Book
This award is for a work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry published in book for. The book must be written for and show appreciation for children—those “pint-sized” beings who are our greatest critics.
1st Place: Billie Holladay Skelley
Ruth Law – The Queen of the Air
2nd Place: Marilyn Hope Lake
Two Cats and a Dog: Buddy and the Grandcats
#4 Magazine Article
1st Place: Billie Holladay Skelley
“A Deadly Global Enemy”
2017 Almanac for Farmer’s & City Folk
2nd Place: Diana West
“Bicentennial Bash”
Home and Away
3rd Place: Larry Wood
“The Year Without a Summer”
Harris’ Farmer’s Almanac
#5 Newspaper Article
1st Place: Elizabeth “Liz” Davis
“Little Dixie Heritage Homes Tour”
Boonville Daily News
2nd Place: Marilyn K. Smith
“Children’s Hour and Aunt Norma”
Buffalo Reflex
#6 Column
1st Place: Billie Holladay Skelley
Health Column in Show Me the Ozarks
“Losing the Human Factor”
“Back Injuries in Caregivers”
“Children Need Parental Attention”
2nd Place: Elizabeth “Liz” Davis
Historically Yours column in Boonville Daily News
“Run for the Roses”
“Clydesdales make American History”
“History fades from Boonville Skyline”
3rd Place: Marilyn K. Smith
Column in Buffalo Reflex
“Remembering Avalon Park”
“Fellows Lake”
“Valley Water Mill Dam and Spillway”
#7 Short Story
May be published in a magazine, newspaper, book, or anthology, and be paid in dollars or copies.
1st Place: Jarrett Kaufman
“It Doesn’t Have to Touch You”
2nd Place: Ryan Edison
“A Couple with Common Cents”
3rd Place: Marilyn K. Smith
“WWII Veterans Marched in Protest in 1946”
#8 Poem
May be published in a magazine, newspaper, book, or anthology, and be paid in dollars or copies.
1st Place: Karen Mocker Dabson
“I Am the Whisper”
Interpretations 4, Columbia Art League Publication
2nd Place: Billie Holladay Skelley
“Alone on Stage”
Well Versed: Under Lock and Key
3rd Place: Marilyn Hope Lake
“Garden Memories”
Hutch Writers Group Schedule-Book 1 ©2016