Important Information for Your MWG Chapter

by Camille

Camille Faye lives in Missouri with her husband, two kids, and her ferocious 12-pound dog named Buddy. She grew up in a haunted house, which sparked her fascination with the paranormal. The Northwest Houston RWA named her novel, Voodoo Butterfly, a 2013 Lone Star Contest finalist. Read an excerpt at

September 30, 2015

Dear MWG Members:

If you are a member of a chapter and you are reading this page, then here are a few things to note for yourself and your chapter AND to share with other chapter members. If you are not a chapter member (where there is usually regular programming and great networking for your area), please click here to check out our chapters.

1) All members of the Missouri Writers Guild can upload information to the MWG website. You can also upload information about your chapter and chapter members, too. That could guide new, interested writers to your chapter meetings. To do this, sign into the website. Email if you do not know your login information. When you are logged in, click on “Members Only”, then choose which item(s) you would like to update. “Update Chapter Information” is toward the bottom of the list.

2) Discuss membership in the Missouri Writers’ Guild with your chapter members. We can build a strong parent organization, which in turn can help your chapter and build its membership, too. We are strong together!

3) You can use the MWG logo for your chapter’s promotional materials (i.e., website, blog, flyers and print materials, Facebook page, and press releases).

4) Currently, we are generating content for a “Writers Resources” page in the “Members Only” section. Please email with quality, online resources you have used or know well. If you know of Missouri resources, even better! We need information for these categories:
· Agents
· Book Designers
· Cover Designers
· Editors
· Logistics/Technology (EX: or
· Printers
· Publishers
· Writing Organizations (EX: Romance Writers of America or Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators)
We need your leadership skills to continue to make Missouri Writers’ Guild a valuable resource to writers statewide.

We appreciate your help,

The Missouri Writers’ Guild Board

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